The winners of the 6th MapBiomas Award

The eight winners of the 6th Edition of the MapBiomas Award were announced on Wednesday, August 21, during the award ceremony at the 9th Annual MapBiomas Seminar – Brazil in Transformation: Land Use and Climate Risks, in Brasília.

This year, there were 193 submissions—a record number of entries. The works competed in 6 categories: General, Youth, Highlight in Public Policy Applications, Highlight in Business Applications, Applications in Schools, and Actions Against Deforestation. The winners will receive a total of R$ 80,000 in prizes.

Each awarded work will also receive a one-year subscription to the Ciência Hoje Digital magazine, as well as a scholarship for a course on Geoprocessing of Satellite Images using Google Earth Engine promovido pela Solved e a produção de um vídeo curto (até 2 minutos) sobre o trabalho vencedor.

In partnership with the Instituto Ciência Hoje, the award aims to encourage applications and projects that use data from any MapBiomas module or initiative, including initiatives from other countries, and different products such as MapBiomas Alerta, MapBiomas Fogo, MapBiomas Água, and MapBiomas Solo. 

To learn more about the initiatives, visit:

Meet the winners:


Juliana Lira da Silva e Cunha Brandão (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Behind the Cattle Industry: Modern Slave Labor Used to Produce Brazil’s Beef and Leather

2nd PLACE 
Paula Conde Santos Borba (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais)
Land conservation and the renewable energy transition are simultaneously possible in Brazil


Vinícius de Andrade Urbano (Universidade Estadual de Maringá)
Human land use drives to trophic structure change of apex fish in Neotropical wetlands

Carlos Henrique de Andrade (Universidade Estadual Paulista – Câmpus do Litoral Paulista)
Assessment of carbon sequestration and stock potential in different land use and management scenarios in mangroves in the Baixada Santista


Murilo Raphael Dias Cardoso (SEMAD-GO)
Application of deforestation alerts and land use and cover mapping from the mapbiomas network in combating illegal deforestation in the State of Goiás


Leandro Reverberi Tambosi (Universidade Federal do ABC e Universidad de Alicante)
Impact of forest restoration on the landscape dynamics of the Itaipu Binational hydroelectric plant


Rosa Maria Duarte Veloso (Centro Educa Mais Professor Ribamar Torres)
Mapping and classification of springs in urban areas of Pastos Bons, Maranhão


Alexandre Gaio (ABRAMPA/MPPR)
Operation Atlantic Forest Standing and the use of satellite images in remote inspections

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Learn more about the categories

  • Qualquer trabalho elegível ao Prêmio MapBiomas pode concorrer nesta categoria. Trabalhos submetidos nas demais categorias automaticamente também concorrem na Categoria Geral.
    Apenas trabalhos cujo autor(a) tenha até 30 anos e ainda não completou a graduação ou se graduou ao longo de 2023.
  • Papers that use data from any MapBiomas initiative in public policy projects.
    Papers that use data from any MapBiomas initiative in businesses that contribute to the conservation and sustainable management of natural resources.
  • Papers that use data from any MapBiomas initiative to support actions to reduce, combat and monitor deforestation.
    Works that use data from any MapBiomas initiative in basic education (kindergarten, elementary or high school), such as, for example, in teaching materials, classes and other curricular and extracurricular activities or teaching resources in schools.


Awards for each category were distributed as follows:

  • General Category
    • 1st PLACE
      Value of R$ 15,000.00 Fifteen thousand reais
    • 2nd PLACE
      Value of R$ 10,000.00 Ten thousand reais
  • Young Category
    • 1st PLACE
      Value of R$ 10,000.00 Ten thousand reais
    • 2nd PLACE
      Value of R$ 5,000.00 Five thousand reais
  • Highlight Applications in Public Policies
    • Value of R$ 10,000.00 Ten thousand reais
  • Highlight Applications in Business
    • Value of R$ 10,000.00 Ten thousand reais
  • Highlight Applications in Schools
    • Value of R$ 10,000.00 Ten thousand reais
  • Actions to Reduce Deforestation
    • Value of R$ 10,000.00 Ten thousand reais

All winners will be awarded an annual subscription to Revista Ciência Hoje Digital, in addition to a scholarship to take a course on Geoprocessing of satellite images using Google Earth Engine promoted by Solved, and the production of a short video (up to 2 minutes ) about the winning work.

If you have any questions, please send an email to

Previous editions

All winners of previous editions