Somos uma rede colaborativa, formada por ONGs, universidades e startups de tecnologia. Produzimos mapeamento anual da cobertura e uso da terra e monitoramos a superfície de água e cicatrizes de fogo mensalmente com dados a partir de 1985. Também validamos e elaboramos relatórios para cada evento de desmatamento detectado no Brasil desde janeiro de 2019, por meio do MapBiomas Alert.


Reveal transformations in the Brazilian territory through science, with precision, agility and quality and to make knowledge about land use accessible, in order to pursue conservation and sustainable management of the natural resources as a way to fight climate changes.


Networking with institutions responsible for different biomes and cross-cutting themes in order to optimize solutions Distributed and automated data processing in partnership with Google Earth Engine. Work-oriented to generate an open and multipliable platform, with the possibility of application in other countries and contexts. Collaborative platform - designed to incorporate contributions from the scientific community and others interested in collaborating.
Processamento distribuído e automatizado dos dados através de parceria com Google Earth Engine.
Networking with institutions responsible for different biomes and cross-cutting themes in order to optimize solutions Distributed and automated data processing in partnership with Google Earth Engine. Work-oriented to generate an open and multipliable platform, with the possibility of application in other countries and contexts. Collaborative platform - designed to incorporate contributions from the scientific community and others interested in collaborating.
Plataforma colaborativa – desenhada para incorporar e acolher as contribuições da comunidade científica e demais interessados em colaborar.


The Brazilian Annual Land Use and Land Cover Mapping Project (MapBiomas) was born in a seminar held in March 2015, São Paulo. Invited by SEEG / OC, remote sensing and vegetation mapping specialists were asked the following question: "Is it possible to produce annual land use and land cover maps, for the entire country, in a significantly cheaper, faster and more updated way, compared to current methods and practices, allowing the possibility of recovering the history of the last decades?"
The answer was yes, as long as there was unprecedented processing power and a high degree of process automation, plus the participation of a community of experts in each biome and cross-cutting themes.
From this diagnosis, a contact with Google was established and generated a technical cooperation term to develop the initiative based on the Google Earth Engine platform. Specifically, the project started in July 2015 with a training of the MapBiomas team on Google Earth Engine in Mountain View, California.