Unpublished data on the evolution of industrial mining and artisanal mining areas from 1985 to 2023.
Collection 9 of MapBiomas annual land cover and use maps of Brazil covers the period from 1985 to 2023, with a spatial resolution of 30 m. This collection features improvements in accuracy across biomes and two new mapped classes, Flooded Forest and Oil Palm Cultivation, totaling 29 classes.
Deforestation and secondary vegetation growth data for all Brazilian biomes from 1987 to 2021, including classification between native vegetation types and successional stage - primary or secondary native vegetation.
Check out new features and layers of information, such as the evolution of the irrigation area and the evaluation of pasture quality in Brazil.
The data from Collection 3 of MapBiomas Fogo show the impacts of fire on the national territory over 38 years (1985 to 2023), with annual, monthly, frequency, and accumulated burned area data.
Despite the increase in water surface in 2022, the data from Collection 3 of MapBiomas Água from 1985 to 2023 indicate a trend of water surface loss in all hydrographic regions of Brazil.