Winners of the 5th edition of the MapBiomas award
The 5th Edition of the MapBiomas Award, held in partnership with the Instituto Ciência Hoje received 163 entries from 7 countries. with the aim of encourage applications and works that use data from any MapBiomas initiative, module or product, 8 were awarded works, with a total prize pool of R$80,000, in addition to three mentions honorable.
In this edition, in addition to the categories General, Youth, Featured Applications in Public Policy and Business, two new categories were launched: Applications in Schools and Actions to Combat Deforestation.
Subscribers quoted or used data from the Network's initiatives MapBiomas: MapBiomas Brasil, MapBiomas Amazônia, Chaco, Bosque Atlantic, South American Pampa and Indonesia. To understand a little more about the initiatives, visit: https://brasil.mapbiomas.org/iniciativas-mapbiomas.
The Award Ceremony happened on wednesday, august 16, at 19h, at Sesc SP - Research and Training Center in São Paulo.Discover the winners by category
General Category
Nelson Villoria (Kansas State University), Rachael Garrett, Florian Gollnow, Kimberly Carlson Leakage does not fully offset soy supply-chain efforts to reduce deforestation in Brazil
Kathryn Baragwanath (Australian Catholic University), Ella Bayi, Nilesh Shinde Collective Property Rights Lead to Secondary Forest Growth in the Brazilian Amazon
Silver Jonas Alves Farfan (IFSertãoPE), Danielle Celentano, Celso Henrique Leite Silva Junior, Marcus Vinicius de Freitas Silveira, Raymony Tayllon Alves Serra, Jhonatan Andres Munoz Gutierrez, Harryson Corrêa Barros, Monique Hellen Martins Ribeiro, Ortrud Monika Barth, Rogério Marcos de Oliveira Alves, Luis Manuel Hernández García, Guillaume Xavier Rousseau The effect of landscape composition on stingless bee (Melipona fasciculata) honey productivity in a wetland ecosystem of Eastern Amazon, Brazil
Young Category
Carolina B. Nunes (UFRGS), Kaluan C. Vieira, Paula E. R. Pereyra, Gustavo Hallwass, Renato A. M. Silvano ’From the sky to the ground’: fishers’ knowledge, mapping and hydrological data indicate long term environmental changes in Amazonian clear water rivers
Maria Pereira Fleury (Climate Central – Princeton), Reed Maxwell Changing water availability in the São Francisco River Basin, Brazil: exploring the role of expanding agriculture and climate change
Kaik Fontana Octaviano (UFSCar-Buri), Iuri Emmanuel de Paula Ferreira, Paulo Guilherme Molin, Cristiano Augusto de Souza Bioma Stats: Um Pacote R para Análise de Uso e Ocupação do Solo no Território Brasileiro
Highlight Applications in Public Policies
Tadeusz Gregorio Alabi (Goin), Rafael Pereira da Silva, Robson Pereira Aleixo Identificação de desmatamento ilegal e exploração de terras para construção irregular por milícias na cidade do Rio de Janeiro através de Inteligência Artificial
Highlight Applications in Business
Luís Henrique Rosati Rocha (BNDES), Lucas Linhares, Gumersindo Sueiro, Gabriela Nogueira, Eva Khury, Carlos Vinicius de Castro GEOBNDES: Inteligência territorial e crédito sustentável
Actions to Reduce Deforestation
Apoena Calixto Figuerôa (ICMBio), Leandro Zago da Silva, Virgílio Dias Ferraz Projeto Sinueiro: Ações Sistemáticas de Fiscalização no Combate ao Desmatamento em Unidades de Conservação na Amazônia
Highlight Applications in Schools
Orione Mendes dos Santos (Escola Estadual Professor Benevides) A Renderização da Educação Ambiental Numa Perspectiva de Estudo do Território
João Batista Alves de Souza (IFMS), Gabriel Paganini Faggioni Formação e Interatividade do MapBiomas na escola: Conhecendo o Pantanal
Learn more about the categories
Any work eligible for the MapBiomas Award can compete in this category.Only works whose author is up to 30 years old and has not yet completed graduation or graduated during 2022.
Papers that use data from any MapBiomas initiative in public policy projects.Papers that use data from any MapBiomas initiative in businesses that contribute to the conservation and sustainable management of natural resources.
Papers that use data from any MapBiomas initiative to support actions to reduce, combat and monitor deforestation.Works that use data from any MapBiomas initiative in basic education (kindergarten, elementary or high school), such as, for example, in teaching materials, classes and other curricular and extracurricular activities or teaching resources in schools.
Awards for each category were distributed as follows:
General Category
Value of R$ 15,000.00 Fifteen thousand reais
Value of R$ 10,000.00 Ten thousand reais
Young Category
Value of R$ 10,000.00 Ten thousand reais
Value of R$ 5,000.00 Five thousand reais
Highlight Applications in Public Policies
Value of R$ 10,000.00 Ten thousand reais
Highlight Applications in Business
Value of R$ 10,000.00 Ten thousand reais
Highlight Applications in Schools
Value of R$ 10,000.00 Ten thousand reais
Actions to Reduce Deforestation
Value of R$ 10,000.00 Ten thousand reais
All winners will be awarded an annual subscription to Revista Ciência Hoje Digital, in addition to a scholarship to take a course on Geoprocessing of satellite images using Google Earth Engine promoted by Solved, and the production of a short video (up to 2 minutes ) about the winning work.
If you have any questions, please send an email to premio@mapbiomas.org