The 3rd Edition of the MapBiomas Award ended on July 8, 2021, with an online ceremony to announce the winners and present their work. This year's edition broke a record of subscribers. There were 160 for the three categories: General, Young, and Highlight Applications in Public Policies. A 60% growth compared to the previous year. This year, the presence of young people and those over 30 years old was balanced. Land use was the predominant theme, followed by Diversity.
Check out the awards ceremony:
Winners and finalists of the 3rd Edition of the MapBiomas Award
Below is the list of finalists and winners in each category:
General Category:
- 1st Place: Patrick Calvano Kuchler (UERJ/Embrapa Solos/CIRAD)
- GeoABC and MapBiomas: Classification of Integrated Production Systems to support the monitoring of sustainable intensification of Brazilian agriculture.
- 2nd Place: Renato Crouzeilles Pereira Rocha (International Institute for Sustainability – IIS)
- Achieving cost-effective landscape-scale forest restoration through targeted natural regeneration
Other finalists:
- Alan Eduardo de Barros, IB-USP
Critical jaguar habitat destroyed by fire in Pantanal - Carmen Elena Barragán Ruiz, UFSCar
How do temporal and spatial features affect anteater roadkill in Brazil? - Charlotte Caroline Smith, Lancaster University
Secondary forests offset less than 10% of deforestation-mediated carbon emissions in Brazilian Amazon - Dhemerson Estevão Conciani da Costa, Unesp
Developing a machine learning based algorithm for regional time-series burned area mapping: The highly antropized Cerrado challenge - Mariana Eiko Mendes, USP
The importance of Refuge Landscapes in preventing extinctions of endemic species. - Thales Augusto Pupo West, New Zealand Forest Research Institute
Overstated carbon emission reductions from voluntary REDD+ projects in the Brazilian Amazon
Young Category:
- 1º lugar: Sofía María Chevallier Boutell (Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos Aires)
- 2º lugar: Danylo Mendonça Magalhães (UFRJ)
- Menção Honrosa: Nicolli Albuquerque de Carvalho (UFAL)
Other finalists:
- Guilherme Henrique Expedito Lense, Unifal
Effects of deforestation on water erosion rates in the Amazon region - Isadora Salvalaggio Baggio, PUC-PR
The Spatial Relationship of Transportation Infrastructure and Deforestation in Brazil: a Machine Learning Approach - Victória Varela
MapBiomas Alerta: Uma nova oportunidade de monitoramento do desmatamento brasileiro a curto prazo. Uma visão sobre o Cerrado do Matopiba
Highlight Applications in Public Policies:
- Vencedor: José Mário Fraga Miranda (17ª Brigada de Infantaria de Selva – Porto Velho)
Other finalists:
- Germano Augusto Frantz
A importância do georrefenciamento nas ações de combate de crimes ambientais no estado do Paraná e a utilização dos alertas do MapBiomas como base de planejamento de ações e operações de fiscalização de áreas irregularmente desmatadas - Margareth Simões, Embrapa Solos e UERJ
Mapeamento da vulnerabilidade à erosão hídrica dos solos brasileiros em função da dinâmica de uso e cobertura da terra – Subsídio às políticas de conservação de solo e água conduzidas pelo MAPA - Paula Bernasconi, Instituto Centro de Vida – ICV
Estratégia Produzir, Conservar e Incluir em Mato Grosso – PCI – Balanço das Metas 2015 a 2019 – Ano 4 - Viviane Vanessa de Vilhena Amanajás
Onda Tecnológica: mudança metodológica na atuação do MPAP na busca dos ilícitos ambientais, contribuições da plataforma MapBiomas
The 3rd Edition of the MapBiomas Award
In partnership with Instituto Ciência Hoje, the MapBiomas Award reaches its 3rd edition. Papers that use data or cite any of MapBiomas' initiatives can be registered. To understand a little more about the initiatives, visit: https://brasil.mapbiomas.org/iniciativas-mapbiomas/.
Five works were awarded, divided into three categories:
- 1st place in General Category – value of R$ 15,000.00 (fifteen thousand reais);
- 2nd place in General Category – value of R$ 10,000 (ten thousand reais);
- 1st place in the Young Category – value of R$ 10,000 (ten thousand reais);
- 2nd place in the Young Category – value of R$5,000 (five thousand reais);
- Highlight Applications in Public Policies - value of R$ 10,000 (ten thousand reais)
The winners will also be awarded with an annual subscription to the Ciência Hoje Digital magazine and a scholarship to conduct a Geoprocessing course on satellite images using Google Earth Engine promoted by Solved.
Registration was open from November 1st, 2020 to February 7th, 2021*.
*The original deadline of January 10, 2021, was EXTENDED to February 7, 2021.
Webinar Launching
The organization of the 3rd Edition of the MapBiomas Award held a launching webinar to present this year's news and answer questions. Check it out below or click here to watch it directly from our YouTube channel.
Find out more about other editions