The MapBiomas é uma rede colaborativa de co-criadores formado por ONGs, universidades e empresas de tecnologia organizados por biomas e temas transversais.
- Amazon – Institute of People and Environment of the Amazon (IMAZON)
- Caatinga – Feira de Santana State University (UEFS), Northeast Plants Association (APNE) e GeoDatin
- Cerrado – Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM)
- Atlantic Forest – SOS Mata Atlantica Foundation and ArcPlan
- Pampa – Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and GeoKarten
- Pantanal – SOS Pantanal Institute and ArcPlan
- Pasture – Federal University of Goiás (LAPIG/UFG)
- Agriculture – Remap
- Coastal Zone and Mining – Vale Technological Institute (ITV) / Solved
- Urban Areas– University of São Paulo (QUAPÁ-FAU/ USP and YBY), Federal University of Bahia and Federal University of São Carlos (NEEPC)
- EcoStage
- ecode
- Arapyaú Institute
- AVINA Foundation
- WRI Brasil
- MapBiomas Support Institute (IAMap)
General Coordination: Tasso Azevedo (Observatório do Clima)
Technical Coordination: Marcos Rosa (ArcPlan)
Scientific Coordination: Julia Shimbo (IPAM)
Independent Committee of Scientific Advice:
Current members
- Alexandre Camargo Coutinho (Embrapa)
- Edson Eygi Sano (IBAMA)
- Gerd Sparovek (Universidade de São Paulo)
- Leila Maria Garcia Fonseca (INPE)
- Liana Oighenstein Anderson (CEMADEN)
- Marina Hirota (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina)
Former members
- Gilberto Camara Neto (INPE)
- Joberto Veloso de Freitas (Universidade Federal do Amazonas)
- Matthew C. Hansen (Universidade de Maryland)
- Mercedes Bustamante (Universidade de Brasília)
- Timothy Boucher (TNC)
- Robert Gilmore Pontius Jr (Clark University)
Technical Partners:
- Brasil I.O
- Institute of Agricultural and Forest Management and Certification - Imaflora (IMAFLORA)
- Energy and Environment Institute (IEMA)
- Socioambiental Institute (ISA)
- Life Center Institute (ICV)
- Institute for Democracy and Sustainability (IDS)
- The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
- WWF Brasil
List of funding organizations that have provided support to the MapBiomas Project in one or more years since 2015.
- Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF)
- Climate and Land Use Alliance (CLUA)
- Amazon Fund [+info]
- Global Wildlife Conservation (GWC)
- Good Energies Foundation
- Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation
- Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI)
- Arapyaú Institute
- Institute for Climate and Society (ICS)
- Humanize Institute (H.I.)
- Montepelier Foundation
- Mulago Foundation
- OAK Foundation
- Quadrature Climate Foundation (QCF)
- Walmart Foundation (USA)
- Sequoia Climate Foundation
- Skoll Foundation
Supporting users:
MapBiomas users who contribute to the platform's funding. Find out more. Support us too!
- Carrefour
- Marfrig
Click here to know the people who make MapBiomas.