The MapBiomas 10 meters Collection 2 (beta) includes land use and land cover (LULC) annual maps from 2016 to 2023 (the period available for Sentinel-2 satellite images).

This Collection 2 (beta) used similar methods and the same legend as the LULC classes of MapBiomas Collection 9 (up to legend level 3) but classified Sentinel-2 satellite images with a spatial resolution of 10m. Improvements will be implemented in the next collections as this product is constantly developed.

The annual maps are in the BETA version and still have a number of limitations that should be used with caution, especially concerning the detailing of farming and the comparison between years and other products with different spatial resolutions. Even better-resolution images allow more detailed information, such as riparian forests in permanent preservation areas (APP) along rivers and springs. 

The smaller time series (from 2016 to 2023) and being a BETA collection decrease the temporal consistency of the Sentinel-2 mapping compared to the longer time series of Landsat mapping and Collection 9 (1985-2023).

How to download maps: The maps of Collection 2 of MapBiomas 10 m can be downloaded using the GEE (Google Earth Engine) asset:


Maps can also be downloaded in GeoTiff format (file for each year, available from 2019 to 2023) according to the link below:

For the year 2023 (for other years change the final year of the link):

In case of questions, critics and ideas to improve the data please contact:

MapBiomas data are public, open and free under a Creative Commons CC-BY license and require reference to the source following format: "MapBiomas – Collection 2 (beta) of the Land Cover and Land Use Annual Maps of Brazil using Sentinel 2 images, accessed on [date] through the link: [LINK]".