Map Name/ProductFonte / Autor DescriptionEndereço para download
Geomorphology Map of Brazil - 2021IBGEDatabase in digital media (1: 250000), made available for all of Brazil, with geometric consistency, structured and standardized for use in Geographic Information Systems about the Geomorphology themeAccess
Agriculture Irrigated by Center Pivots in BrazilANA / EmbrapaMapping of the area and number of central pivot irrigation equipment in Brazil between 1985 and 2017. The study was carried out through a partnership between the National Water Agency - ANA and Embrapa Milho e SorgoAccess
Amazon Mineral Resources MapInsitituto Socioambiental – ISAMining data in the Brazilian Amazon compiled by Instituto Socioambiental - ISAAccess
Substandard Agglomerates 2019IBGEThis preliminary version incorporates updates through December 2019 and is comprised of 13 152 Subnormal Agglomerations. These agglomerations are located in 734 Municipalities, in all States and in the Federal District, and total 5 127 747 householdAccess
Urban Areas in Brazil in 2015EMBRAPAIdentification, mapping, and quantification of urban areas in Brazil that seek to generate a thematic set of geo-referenced informationAccess
Atlas of the Atlantic ForestSOS Mata Atlântica/INPEMapping of forest formations and associated ecosystems, reference year 2018/2019Access
Atlas of the Atlantic ForestSOS Mata Atlântica/INPEDetailed 1ha mapping for the State of São PauloNão disponivel
Atlas of the Atlantic ForestSOS Mata Atlântica/INPEDetailed 1ha mapping for the State of Rio de JaneiroNão disponivel
Atlas of the Atlantic ForestSOS Mata Atlântica/INPEDetailed 1 ha mapping for the State of ParanáNão disponivel
Atlas of the Atlantic ForestSOS Mata Atlântica/INPEMapeamento detalhado com 1ha para o Estado de Santa CatarinaNão disponivel
Atlas of the Mangroves of BrazilMMA / ICMBioA partnership between Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation and the Project "Effective Conservation and Sustainable Use of Mangrove Ecosystems in Brazil", implemented by the United Nations Development Program - Brazil (UNDP), with the support of the Global Fund for the Environment Environment (GEF)Não disponivel
CAR Thematic Digital Vector Base - State of TocantinsTocantins State Secretariat for the Environment and Water ResourcesPrepared from satellite images (Plêiades Year 2015), and constitutes a vectorial, digital base, compatible with a 1:25,000 scale, consisting of features of the hydrographic grid, municipal boundaries, road system grid, transmission lines, and special areas of the State of Tocantins, cut and articulated according to sheets 1:25,000 of the National Cartographic System – SCNAccess
CanasatINPE/AgrosateliteSugarcane map for south-central BrazilNão disponivel
WorldPop Project Population Data: Estimated Residential PopulationUniversity of SouthamptonContemporary high-resolution data on human population distributions are a prerequisite for accurately measuring the impacts of population growth, monitoring change, and planning interventionsAccess
Distribuição Global de Manguezais USGSUSGSThis dataset shows the global distribution of mangrove forests, derived from earth observation satellite imageryAccess
Mudança Global da Cobertura Florestal 2000-2015Universidade de MarylandResults from time-series analysis of Landsat images in characterizing global forest extent and change from 2000 through 2015. For additional information about these results, please see the associated journal article (Hansen et al., Science 2013)Access
Camada de Áreas de Assentamento Humano Global( GHS – BUILT E GHS_BUILT_S2)Centro Comum de Investigação | Comissão Europeia (JRC)A layer of multitemporal information on the presence of built-up area derived from Landsat image collections (GLS1975, GLS1990, GLS2000, and Landsat 8 ad-hoc 2013/2014 collection)Access
Global Land Analysis and Discovery – Mapeamento e Monitoramento de Cultivos de Commodities na América do SulUniversidade de MarylandAnnual Soy Coverage Maps in South America, Soy Coverage 2000 onwards to enable tracking of indirect effects of soy expansion on deforestation and inform multi-stakeholder negotiations on soy sustainability, Corn Coverage Maps in South America South America, updated semi-annuallyAccess
Index of Roads and Structures (IRS)Justiniano et. alPresents a new easily reproducible methodology for urban mapping. The methodology allows the combined processing of OpenStreetMap and Remote Sensing data, where a metric called the road and structure index (LVI) is proposed for mapping urban areas. The IVE is used with NDVI and MNDWI to map the urban surface with high accuracy, with a reference year of 2020Access
III National Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (LULUCF sector)MCTICMap of agricultural areas (annual, semi-perennial and perennial)Não disponivel
Cobertura e Uso da Terra – Rondônia 1984 – 2010Universidade de Califórnia Santa Bárbara (UCSB)Collaborative research between UCSB, Salisbury University (Maryland), and North Carolina State University to produce and manage an archive of annual Landsat images without gaps (1984-2009) covering most of the state of RondôniaAccess
Land Use and Land Cover Mapping of the State of ParanáSecretaria de Estado do Planejamento e Projetos EstruturantesMapping carried out using high-resolution satellite orbital images (2 meters) from the period 2011 to 2016 – WorldView2 and Pleiades 1A and 1B. Supervised automatic classification (GEOBIA)Não disponivel
Census Sectors 2020Instituto Brasileiro de geografia e Estatística (IBGE)The 2020 Census Sectors was updated for the Demographic Census collection scheduled for 2021. Since it is an Intermediate Mesh it does not contemplate statistical information on population or domicile but contains the updated situation of the Brazilian Political and Administrative Division - DPA, in effect on 06/30/2020, contained in the Municipal Mesh, also produced annually by the Coordination of Territorial Structures of the Directorate of Geosciences of IBGEAccess
Brazilian Mining MapBrazil-Germany Chamber of Commerce and Industry / GeoAnsata ProjectsPortraits of the mining industry and intermediation of interested parties in the area, experts, and producers in the sector with mining companiesAccess
Deforestation Alert Map - Mining Class - DETER ProjectINPEMining Class of the Near Real Time Alert System (DETER), maintained by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE)Access
Illegal mineral activity map of RAISGRAISGDado de mineração ilegal da Rede Amazônica de Informação Socioambiental GeorreferenciadaAccess
Amazon Mining Watch Network Mining MapAMWAmazon Mining Watch Mining Activity DataAccess
Citrus map in SPAgrosatéliteCitrus mapping in São PauloNão disponivel
Planted forests mapGFW/WRIMap of planted forests in BrazilAccess
Biomes Boundary Map 1:250,000IBGEJoint with the methodological report that brings new limits between the six Brazilian biomes, Amazon, Atlantic Forest, Caatinga, Cerrado, Pantanal, and Pampa, compatible with the 1:250 000 scaleAccess
Brazil Mineral Resources MapGeological Survey of Brazil (CPRM) - GeoSGBA representação espacial dos recursos minerais do Brasil é mantida pelo Serviço Geológico do Brasil (CPRM) através de seu geoportal denominado GeoSGB.Access
Mapa de Uso da Terra do BrasilIBGEMapa de uso do terra baseado em Modis (250mt) com comparações entre os anos 2000, 2010 e 2012Access
Map of mangroves in northeastern BrazilPereira, E.A., Souza-Filho, P.W.M., et al.Map of mangrove areas from Ponta de Tubarão-MA to the south of the State of Bahia from the classification of Landsat and ALOS PALSAR images from 2008Não disponivel
Map of mangroves in the northern region of BrazilNascimento Jr, W.R; Souza-Filho, P.W.M., et al.Map of mangrove areas from Oiapoque-AP to Ponta de Tubarão-MA generated from the classification of Landsat and ALOS PALSAR images from 2008Não disponivel
Synthesis Map of Pastures of Brazil - v8LAPIG/UFGMapping of pasture areas, from TerraClass Amazon data compilation; Funcate; PROBIO; Canasat, and TNCAccess
Annual agriculture maps for the AmazonAgrosatéliteMaps that include cotton and corn crops and soybeans, cultivated on a large scale, for the crop years: 2000/2001, 2006/2007, 2013/2014, 2016/2017, and 2019/2020Access
Mapas da agricultura anual para o Cerrado (Projeto: Analises geoespaciais da dinâmica anual de cultivos no bioma brasileiro Cerrado: 2000 até 2014) e atualizaçãoAgrosatéliteMaps that include cotton, corn crops, and soybeans, cultivated on a large scale, for the crop years: 2000/2001, 2006/2007, 2013/2014. 2018/2019Access
Vegetal Coverage Maps of Brazilian Biomes - ProBioUEFS/APNE/EMBRAPA- Solos/UFCE/UFRN/UFRPE/UFPB/CRA/SEMARH-MMASurvey of vegetable coverage and land use of the Caatinga BiomaAccess
Mapping of the Upper Paraguay BasinSOS Pantanal/WWF BrasilMonitoring the use and vegetation cover of the Upper Paraguay Basin, which includes the Pantanal and its headwaters. Data available for 2002, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016Access
Mapping of the Vegetal Coverage of the Atlantic Forest of Minas GeraisState Forest Institute (IEF)Mapping carried out a sweep of 30,673,854.99 hectares, which included the legal limit of the biome established by Federal Law 11,428/2006, plus a five-kilometer buffer, considering the transition areas for the other biomesNão disponivel
Mapping of Native Vegetal Coverage and Land Use 1/25,000 in the State of Espírito SantoState Institute for the Environment and Water Resources (IEMA)Mapping was carried out through orthophotos with 25 cm and photointerpretation and manual vectorization of limits between use and coverage classes with a minimum area of ​​0.5 haAccess
Land use mapping for the Cerrado and Atlantic ForestFBDSLand use mapping for the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest. Based on RapidEye high-resolution images with 5 m resolutionAccess
Mapping of Irrigated Rice in BrazilAgência Nacional de Águas (ANA) / Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (Conab)Mapping of Irrigated Rice in BrazilAccess
Mapping of the Forest Inventory of the State of São PauloSecretaria de Infraestrutura e Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo – Instituto FlorestalMapping carried out using orbital satellite images of high spatial resolution (0.5 meters), for the period 2017 to 2019, belonging to the collection of the Infrastructure and Environment DepartmentNão disponivel
Forest Mapping of the State of SergipeSEMARH-SESurvey of Forest Coverage in the State of SergipeNão disponivel
OpenStreetMapOpenStreetMap FoundationOpenStreetMap is an initiative to create and provide free geographic data, such as street maps, to anyoneAccess
ProdesINPESatellite monitoring of clear-cut deforestation in the Legal Amazon produces, since 1988, the annual deforestation rates in the region, which are used by the Brazilian government to establish public policiesAccess
Terra Class AmazôniaINPEMapping the dynamics of use and coverage of the Brazilian Legal AmazonAccess
Terra Class CerradoMMA, IBAMA, EMBRAPA, INPE, UFG e UFUCerrado Land Use and Coverage MappingNão disponivel
Homogeneous Urban Land Use and Occupation Units (UHCT) for the State of São PauloInstituto Geológico (IG) / Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado de São PauloSectoring or dividing the territory into areas with similar characteristics regarding certain physical aspects, shape, and intrinsic texture of the occupationAccess
Use and vegetation cover in the State of Rio Grande do Sul – situation in 2002Hasenack, H.; Cordeiro,
J.L.P; Weber, E.J. (Org.).
Porto Alegre: UFRGS IB
Centro de Ecologia,
2015. 1a ed. ISBN
Vegetation Cover Map of Rio Grande do Sul - 2002 base year, obtained by visual interpretation of Landsat images. Level of detail compatible with 1:250,000 scaleAccess
Use and vegetation cover in the State of Rio Grande do Sul – situation in 2009Weber, E.J.; Hofmann, G.S.; Oliveira, C.V.; Hasenack, H. (Org.). Porto Alegre: UFRGS IB Centro de Ecologia, 2016. 1a ed. ISBN 978-85-63843-20-3.Vegetation Cover Map of Rio Grande do Sul - base year 2009, obtained by visual interpretation of Landsat images. Level of detail compatible with 1:250,000 scaleAccess
Use and vegetation cover in the State of Rio Grande do Sul – situation in 2015Hofmann, G.S.; Weber, E.J.; Hasenack, H. (Org.). Porto Alegre: UFRGS IB Centro de Ecologia, 2018. 1a ed. ISBN 978-85-63843-22-7.Vegetation cover map of Rio Grande do Sul - base year 2015, obtained by visual interpretation of Landsat images. Level of detail compatible with 1:250,000 scaleAccess
Mapping of the Evolution of Vegetation CoverBahia Forestry ForumO monitoramento independente da cobertura vegetal e uso da terra dos territórios de identidade Costa do Descobrimento, Extremo Sul e Parcela do Litoral Sul (áreas de atuação das empresas Suzano e Veracel), tem como objetivo a realização do mapeamento da evolução da cobertura vegetal.Access
Mapa do CaféCONABThe mapping of agricultural crops is carried out by means of remote sensing. It aims to contribute to the estimation of area and productivity, offering precise information about the geographic distribution in each state. In area estimation, the mapping result helps in the analysis of the declared information, as verifiable data in the field. In productivity estimation, the knowledge of the location of the cultivation areas enables the monitoring of the productive areas through agrometeorological parameters, offering indicators on the forecast of the yield of the crops. The mappings are available for download in shapefile formatAccess
VIIRS Stray Light Corrected Nighttime Day/Night Band Composites Version 1NASAThe maps are available for download in shapefile formatAccess