Previous Events
Launch of the Rural Credit Monitor
Presentation of the Rural Credit Monitor Platform.
Watch the live recording here.
Launch of Collections 4 and 2 of MapBiomas Pampa Trinational and Uruguay.
Land cover and land use changes in Uruguay and the Pampa region.
Access the event recording here.
Launch of MapBiomas Agriculture, Pasture, and Soil
Presentation of the new Agriculture, Pasture, and Soil modules of MapBiomas.
See the first part of the event by clicking here.
See the second part of the event by clicking here.
Launch of Collection 2 Peru
Dynamics of natural and anthropogenic water surface in Peru.
Watch the event recording here here.
Launch of Collection 2 MapBiomas Water Venezuela
Annual maps of water surface dynamics in Venezuela.
See the event broadcast here.
Launch of Collection 2 of MapBiomas Colombia
Land cover and land use maps and water dynamics from 1985 to 2023.
See the event broadcast here.
Launch of Collection 2 of MapBiomas Ecuador.
Land cover and land use maps and water dynamics from 1985 to 2023.
Transmissão do evento em Youtube MapBiomas Brasil

MapBiomas Urban Module launched
Urbanization in data for the sustainable future of Brazilian cities
🏢 Galpão ZL – Fundação Tide Setubal – Jardim Lapena – São Paulo
Acesse a gravação do evento aqui.
MapBiomas Venezuela Collection 2
Launching of the second collection of annual land cover and land use maps (1985 to 2023).
Live broadcasting YouTube MapBiomas Brasil
Launch of MapBiomas Amazon 6 Collection
For a comprehensive vision of the Amazon: 39 years of forest loss and conservation proposals
Hotel Dann - Carlton Quito
Quito - Ecuador
15h (🇪🇨Ecuador, 🇨🇴Colombia y 🇵🇪Peru)
16h (🇻🇪Venezuela y 🇧🇴Bolivia)
17h (🇧🇷Brasil)
Launching of MapBiomas Chaco Collection 5
A key tool for land management and environmental conservation.
Live broadcasting YouTube MapBiomas Brasil.
10h (🇧🇴Bolivia and Paraguay🇵🇾)
11h(🇦🇷Argentina and Brasil🇧🇷)

9th Annual MapBiomas Seminar
Brazil in Transformation: Land Use and Climate Risks
In-person event to launch Collection 9 of annual maps of land cover and land use in Brazil (1985-2023) and award the 6th MapBiomas Prize.
Theater 3 of the Brasil 21 Culturalin Brasília - DF
Registration form:
MapBiomas launch Indonesia Fire
Collection of data on fires in the country between 2013 and 2023.
Hotel Santika Premiere Slipi, Jakarta
August 7th at 9:30 a.m. (Indonesian time)
Live streaming: YouTube Auriga Nusantara

State webinar RAD2023 - MA, TO, PI and BA
Discover what the Annual Deforestation Report (RAD) in Brazil 2023 shows about deforestation in these states.
Follow live on the Follow live on the.

State webinar RAD2023 - AL, CE, PB, PE RN and SE
Discover what the Annual Deforestation Report (RAD) in Brazil 2023 shows about deforestation in these states.
Follow live on the Follow live on the.
Lançamento MapBiomas Bolívia – Coleção 2
MapBiomas Bolívia: Olhando o passado para traçar o futuro dos ecossistemas terrestres e aquáticos da Bolíva.
.O evento de lançamento da coleção 2 terá um formato híbrido, sendo presencial em Hotel Cortez, Santa Cruz, Bolívia, e virtual pelo canal da RAISG Amazônia no Youtube, na terça-feira, 23 de julho, às 17h do Brasil.

State webinar RAD2023 - AC, AM, AP, PA, RO and RR
Discover what the Annual Deforestation Report (RAD) in Brazil 2023 shows about deforestation in these states.
Follow live on the Follow live on the.
State webinar RAD2023 - ES, RJ, SP, PR, RS and SC
Discover what the Annual Deforestation Report (RAD) in Brazil 2023 shows about deforestation in these states.
Follow live on the Follow live on the.

Launch of the beta version of the MapBiomas degradation module
Vectors of native vegetation degradation and their relationship with public policies for the conservation and recovery of Brazilian biomes
In-person event at Enap, in Brasília (DF)
Webinar estadual RAD2023 – MT, MS, GO, MG e DF
Discover what the Annual Deforestation Report (RAD) in Brazil 2023 shows about deforestation in these states.
Ao vivo em nosso Follow live on the.
Launch of MapBiomas Water Collection 3 (1985-2023)
Water extremes: water challenges in Brazilian biomes
Follow live on the MapBiomas Youtube channel.

Launch of MapBiomas Fire (1985-2023)
Understanding the patterns of burn-offs and fires in Brazil

Launch of the Annual Report on Deforestation in Brazil 2023
For the fifth year running, MapBiomas Alerta is publishing an x-ray of deforestation in all of Brazil's biomes.
B Hotel, Sala A (SHN Q 5 Bloco J Lote L – Asa Norte, Brasília-DF
MapBiomas Argentina launch
Building a collaborative network for land cover and land use mapping
Live streaming YouTube MapBiomas
MapBiomas Chile: Revealing the dynamics of a changing landscape
Launching of Collection 1 of annual land cover and land use maps (2000-2022).
Live accompaniment en vivo.
Lanzamiento MapBiomas Paraguay – Colección 1
Primera colección de datos de uso y cobertura de la tierra desde 1985 hasta 2022.
Acompañe en vivo en YouTube de MapBiomas.
Lanzamiento MapBiomas Ecuador – Colección 1
Datos al servicio de la sociedad para entender 38 años de cambios en la cobertura y uso del suelo.
Acompañe en vivo YouTube EcoCiencia.
Lanzamiento MapBiomas Amazonía – Colección 5
Los datos de la nueva colección presentan los 38 años (1985 a 2022) de los mapas anuales de cobertura y uso del suelo de la Amazonía en una escala de 30 metros con mayor precisión en los biomas y nuevas clases.
Acompañe en vivo en YouTube de MapBiomas.
Lanzamiento MapBiomas Uruguay – Colección 1
Datos de uso y cobertura de la tierra del territorio uruguayo desde 1985 hasta 2022.
Acompañe en vivo en YouTube de MapBiomas.

Colección 3 Bosque Atlântico Trinacional
“Ciencia para la conservación: Estrategias de Monitoreo y Restauración en el Bosque Atlántico”
Evento somente presencial, en Asociación Hotelera Gastronómica y Afines de Iguazú, Puerto Iguazú, Argentina
MapBiomas map statistics database in current collection
The main results and novelties of the new data collection that extends from 1985 to 2022 for the Pampa biome (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay).
MapBiomas Venezuela launch: 38 years of territorial history to imagine the future
Launch of Collection 1.0 of annual land cover and land use maps (1985-2022)
Follow the event live.
MapBiomas Colombia launch
The first platform that brings together 38 consecutive years of changes in land cover and land use in the country.
Follow the event live on canal do YouTube da Raisg Amazônia.
Webinar "Risks and challenges of urban sprawl in the face of the climate crisis"
On World Cities Day, evento online sents and discusses the latest mapped data on urbanized areas in Brazil - Collection 8 (1985-2022)
"Brazil's forests" webinar
Online event brings the latest mapped data on Brazil's forest landscapes, from mangroves to savannah formations, and discusses the importance of forests for climate balance.
Assista em tempo real no canal do MapBiomas no YouTube.
Webinar | The opportunities and challenges of farming in Brazil
Online event presents data on the farming evolution in Brazil between 1985 and 2022 and discusses the opportunities and challenges in the activity among specialists.
Watch the webinar on the MapBiomas Youtube Channel.
Webinar | The impacts and frontiers of mining in Brazil
Online event presents and discusses tha latest data mapped on mining in the country - Collection 8 (1985 - 2022). Watch on MapBiomas Youtube Channel.
Launch of MapBiomas Water - Amazon Countries
The event will take place in BTH Hotel Lima Golf, in Lima/Peru, and gather the main specialists and scientists of the region to analyze the surface water dynamic and explore its vital importance.
During the event, crucial themes will be discussed regarding the impacts of land use, infrastruture and climate change in the aquatic ecossystems. In addittion, there will be shared well succeed experiences on water management in the Amazon countries, highlighting the conservancy importance of this fundamental resource.
Launch of Collection 8 | MapBiomas Brasil – Land cover and land use
The data from collection 8 of MapBiomas Brasil presents the transformations in land use and land cover throughout the Brazilian territory between the years 1985 and 2022. The launch event took place on August 31, 2023, in Brasília. Assista a gravação na integra.
Broadcast on the following platforms: Youtube
Regional Webinar RAD 2022 – Matopipa | MapBiomas Alert
Watch the recording of the sixth and last webinar from the series of Regional Webinars on data from the 2022 Annual Deforestation Report (RAD 2022).
The webinar presented an overview on deforestation events and its combatting and monitoring actions in the MATOPIBA region.
Broadcast on the following platforms: Youtube
Regional Webinar RAD 2022 – Northeast | MapBiomas Alert
Watch the recording of the sixth and last webinar of the series of Regional Webinars on data from the Annual Report on Deforestation 2022 (RAD 2022).
In this webinar, the northeast region will be the focus of the discussion on deforestation events and the actions of local public authorities to contain them.
Broadcast on the following platforms: Youtube
Award Ceremony | 5th Edition of MapBiomas Award
The award event for the 5th Edition of the MapBiomas Award will be open to the public and will take place on 08/16 at SESC SP – Centro de Pesquisa e Formação, em São Paulo/SP, starting at 19h (local time), and will be attended by the winners and finalists of this edition of the award.
Regional Webinar RAD 2022 – North | MapBiomas Alert
The webinar presented an overview on deforestation events and its combatting and monitoring actions in the north region.
Watch the recording of the fourth webinar from a serie of regional webinars based on the Annual Deforestation Report data (RAD 2022).
Broadcast on the following platforms: Youtube
Regional Webinar RAD 2022 – Southeast | MapBiomas Alert
With representants from the 4 states of the southeast region, the webinar presented an overview on deforestation events and its combatting and monitoring actions in each state of the region.
Watch the recording of the third webinar from a serie of regional webinars based on the Annual Deforestation Report data (RAD 2022).
Broadcast on the following platforms: Youtube
Regional Webinar RAD 2022 – Midwest | MapBiomas Alert
Regarding the Midwest region, the webinar had representants from the states of Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás e Distrito Federal to discuss the actions made upon deforestation surveillance.
Watch the g webinar recording on MapBiomas Youtube Channel. It is the second webinar from a serie of regional webinars based on the Annual Deforestation Report data (RAD 2022).
Broadcast on the following platforms: Youtube
Regional Webinar RAD 2022 – South | MapBiomas Alert
The Regional Webinar RAD 2022 - South is the first of a series of webinars focused on presenting an overview on deforestation for each region of the country, based on the Annual Deforestation Report data (RAD 2022).
Watch the gravação do Webinar Regional RAD 2022 – Sul on MapBiomas Youtube Channel.
Broadcast on the following platforms: Youtube
Launch of Collection 4 | MapBiomas Chaco
MapBiomas Chaco Collection 4 presents the transformation occured in the Chaco region during the period from 1985 to 2022. Watch the launch event on Youtube.
Broadcast on the following platforms: Youtube
Launch of Beta Collection | MapBiomas Soil
Presentation of data on soil organic carbon stock and discussion with experts.
Broadcast on the following platforms: Youtube
Launch of the Annual Deforestation Report | RAD 2022
For the fourth consecutive year, MapBiomas Alert is publishing the x-ray of deforestation in all Brazilian biomes.
Broadcast on the following platforms: Youtube
Launch of the Collection 2 | MapBiomas Fire
Presenting fire scars data in Brazil from 1985 to 2022, the MapBiomas Fire will launch its second collection on April 26, starting at 08h30 a.m, in Brasilia at Prev Fogo/Ibama Auditorium.
Register here and stay tune on our social media for more information on the event schedulue.
Launch of the Collection 1 | MapBiomas Bolívia
As part of the work with RAISG and MapBiomas, FAN has achieved the First Collection of Annual Maps of Land Cover and Use for the entire Bolivian territory covering the period from 1985 to 2021 and deforestation map for 2022.
The launch event will take place at the Guarayo Hall of the EXPOCRUZ Convention Center within the framework of Expoforest 2023, Santa Cruz - Bolivia, on Friday April 21 at 7:30 p.m local time. (8:30 p.m - Brasilia Time).
MapBiomas at the XX Brazilian Symposium on Remote Sensing - April 02nd to 05th
MapBiomas will be at the XX Brazilian Symposium on Remote Sensing in Florianópolis/SC, during the four days of the event, from April 02nd to 05th.
Stay tune on our social media for more information on the event schedule and MapBiomas' participation in its thematic sessions. The full schedule is also available on the event website.
World Water Day | MapBiomas Water and RAISG
On the World Water Day, MapBiomas and RAISG present data about water surface dynamic in Amazon Watershed. The online event will be broadcast on Youtube and conducted by the initiative members and invited specialist to discuss climate change risks regarding aquatic ecosystems and population.
Register here to participate!
Broadcast on the following platforms: Youtube
Launch of the Collection 1 | MapBiomas Peru
Covering the period of 1985 to 2021, the MapBiomas Peru launches its first colecttion of land use and cover data for the entire national territory. The event presented the main results of the collection and discussed land use and cover in the country's four biomes.
Watch the event recording on Youtube.
Broadcast on the following platforms: Youtube
Launch of the Collection 2 | MapBiomas Pampa
The launch of MapBiomas Pampa Collection 2 presented the main data on land use and cover for the biome during the period of 1985 to 2021. Watch the full event on Youtube.