The MapBiomas Soil Collection 2 provides annual maps of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in Brazil (beta version), covering the period from 1985 to 2023. It also includes maps of the granulometry and textural classification of Brazilian soil (beta version). This data was compiled from soil samples available in the SoilData Repository (, in combination with dozens of environmental covariates that reflect the formation and transformation factors of Brazilian soil.
With a spatial resolution of 30 meters, the maps provide information on SOC stocks in the first 30 cm of soil, expressed in tons per hectare (t/ha), and also the same maps in the kg/m² unit, as well as sand, silt and clay contents (in percentages) at depths of 0-10, 0-20 and 0-30 cm and the texture grouping.

Os resultados dessa coleção estão disponíveis para download via toolkit no Google Earth Engine clicando here . Os dados do MapBiomas são públicos, abertos e gratuitos, e estão licenciados sob Creative Commons CC-BY. Solicitamos que, ao utilizar esses dados, faça referência à fonte conforme o seguinte formato:
“MapBiomas - Collection[version] of the [Organic Carbon/Granulometry/Soil Texture] map series for Brazil, accessed on [date] via the link: [LINK]”