Map Name/ProductFonte / Autor DescriptionEndereço para download
Atlas of the Atlantic ForestSOS Mata Atlântica/INPEDetailed 1ha mapping for the State of São PauloAccess
Atlas of the Atlantic ForestSOS Mata Atlântica/INPEDetailed 1ha mapping for the State of Rio de JaneiroAccess
Atlas of the Atlantic ForestSOS Mata Atlântica/INPEDetailed 1 ha mapping for the State of ParanáAccess
Atlas of the Atlantic ForestSOS Mata Atlântica/INPEMapeamento detalhado com 1ha para o Estado de Santa CatarinaAccess
Atlas of the Atlantic ForestSOS Mata Atlântica/INPEMapeamento das formações florestais e ecossistemas associados, ano de referência 2016Access
Atlas of the Mangroves of BrazilMMA / ICMBioA partnership between Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation and the Project "Effective Conservation and Sustainable Use of Mangrove Ecosystems in Brazil", implemented by the United Nations Development Program - Brazil (UNDP), with the support of the Global Fund for the Environment Environment (GEF)Access
CanasatINPE/AgrosateliteSugarcane map for south-central BrazilAccess
Global Distribution of Mangroves USGSUSGSThis dataset shows the global distribution of mangrove forests, derived from earth observation satellite imageryAccess
Global Forest Change 2000–2015University of MarylandResults from time-series analysis of Landsat images in characterizing global forest extent and change from 2000 through 2015. For additional information about these results, please see the associated journal article (Hansen et al., Science 2013)Access
III National Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (LULUCF sector)MCTICMap of agricultural areas (annual, semi-perennial and perennial)Access
Land Cover and Land Use - Rondônia 1984 -2010Universidade da California Santa Barbara (UCSB)Collaborative research between UCSB, Salisbury University (Maryland), and North Carolina State University to produce and manage an archive of annual Landsat images without gaps (1984-2009) covering most of the state of RondôniaAccess
Planted forests mapGFW/WRIMap of planted forests in BrazilAccess
Mapa de Limite dos Biomas 1:1.000.000Marcos Rosa (MapBiomas)Adaptação do Mapa de Limites de Biomas 1:5.000.000 produzido pelo IBGE, refinado a partir do Mapa de Limites do território 1:250.000 (IBGE) e o mapa de fitofisionomias 1:1.000.000 (IBGE).Access
Biomes Boundary Map 1:250,000Mapa de Limites de Biomas 1:250.000 produzido pelo IBGEJoint with the methodological report that brings new limits between the six Brazilian biomes, Amazon, Atlantic Forest, Caatinga, Cerrado, Pantanal, and Pampa, compatible with the 1:250 000 scaleAccess
Map of mangroves in northeastern BrazilPereira, E.A., Souza-Filho, P.W.M., et alMap of mangrove areas from Ponta de Tubarão-MA to the south of the State of Bahia from the classification of Landsat and ALOS PALSAR images from 2008Access
Map of mangroves in the northern region of BrazilNascimento Jr, W.R; Souza-Filho, P.W.M., et alMap of mangrove areas from Oiapoque-AP to Ponta de Tubarão-MA generated from the classification of Landsat and ALOS PALSAR images from 2008Access
Synthesis Map of Pastures of Brazil - v8LAPIG/UFGMapping of pasture areas, from TerraClass Amazon data compilation; Funcate; PROBIO; Canasat, and TNCAccess
Annual agriculture maps for the AmazonAgrosatéliteMapas que incluem as culturas de algodão, milho e soja, cultivados em larga escala, para os anos/safra: 2000/2001, 2006/2007 e 2013/2014, 2016/2017Access
Mapas da Agricultura do CerradoAgrosatéliteMapa da área cultivada da 1ª safra de soja, milho e algodão no bioma CerradoAccess
Mapas da agricultura para o cerrado (projeto: Geospatial analyses of the Annual and Perennial Crops dynamic in the Brazilian Cerrado biome: 2000 to 2014)AgrosatéliteMapas que incluem as culturas de algodão, milho e soja, cultivados em larga escala, para os anos/safra: 2000/2001, 2006/2007 e 2013/2014.Access
Vegetal Coverage Maps of Brazilian Biomes - ProBioUEFS / APNE / EMBRAPA – Solos / UFCE / UFRN / UFRPE / UFPB / CRA / SEMARH-MMALevantamento da cobertura vegetal e do uso do solo do bioma caatingaAccess
Mapping of the Upper Paraguay BasinSOS Pantanal/WWF BrasilMonitoramento do uso e cobertura vegetal da Bacia do Alto Paraguai, que inclui o Pantanal e suas cabeceiras. Dados disponíveis para 2002, 2008, 2010, 2012 e 2014Access
Land use mapping for the Cerrado and Atlantic ForestFBDSLand use mapping for the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest. Based on RapidEye high-resolution images with 5 m resolutionAccess
Forest Mapping of the State of SergipeSEMARH-SESurvey of Forest Coverage in the State of SergipeAccess
ProdesINPESatellite monitoring of clear-cut deforestation in the Legal Amazon produces, since 1988, the annual deforestation rates in the region, which are used by the Brazilian government to establish public policiesAccess
Terra Class AmazôniaINPEMapping the dynamics of use and coverage of the Brazilian Legal AmazonAccess
Terra Class CerradoMMA, IBAMA, EMBRAPA, INPE, UFG e UFUCerrado Land Use and Coverage MappingAccess
Use and vegetation cover in the State of Rio Grande do Sul – situation in 2002Hasenack, H.; Cordeiro,
J.L.P; Weber, E.J. (Org.).
Porto Alegre: UFRGS IB
Centro de Ecologia,
2015. 1a ed. ISBN
Vegetation Cover Map of Rio Grande do Sul - 2002 base year, obtained by visual interpretation of Landsat images. Level of detail compatible with 1:250,000 scaleAccess
Use and vegetation cover in the State of Rio Grande do Sul – situation in 2009Weber, E.J.; Hofmann, G.S.; Oliveira, C.V.; Hasenack, H. (Org.). Porto Alegre: UFRGS IB Centro de Ecologia, 2016. 1a ed. ISBN 978-85-63843-20-3.Vegetation Cover Map of Rio Grande do Sul - base year 2009, obtained by visual interpretation of Landsat images. Level of detail compatible with 1:250,000 scaleAccess
Use and vegetation cover in the State of Rio Grande do Sul – situation in 2015Hofmann, G.S.; Weber, E.J.; Hasenack, H. (Org.). Porto Alegre: UFRGS IB Centro de Ecologia, 2018. 1a ed. ISBN 978-85-63843-22-7.Vegetation cover map of Rio Grande do Sul - base year 2015, obtained by visual interpretation of Landsat images. Level of detail compatible with 1:250,000 scaleAccess