The collection MapBiomas 10 Meters beta produced from images from Sentinel-2 satellites brings annual maps in Brazil from 2016 to 2022

MapBiomas published its first collection of annual maps of land cover and use in Brazil made from satellite images with a spatial resolution of 10 meters. The collection MapBiomas 10 Meters beta produzida com dados dos satélites Sentinel-2 traz os anos de 2016 a 2022 e utiliza um método semelhante e a mesma legenda das classes de cobertura e uso da terra da Coleção 7.1 do MapBiomas Brasil (até o nível 3 da legenda). Melhorias serão implementadas nas próximas coleções, visto que esse produto estará em constante desenvolvimento.

“The published Beta Collection already includes the year 2022, in addition to greater spatial resolution in the annual mapping of land cover and use, which will contribute to more detailed analyzes of the Brazilian territory. The use of better resolution images allows us to refine the mapping of some classes. For example, riparian forest in Permanent Preservation Areas (APP) along rivers and springs”, says Marcos Rosa, technical coordinator at MapBiomas.

“As a Beta Collection, we must use it with caution, especially in relation to comparisons between years and with other products obtained with different spatial resolutions. Even with some limitations, at MapBiomas we already make data available that can contribute to various applications and to receive suggestions for improvements for the next collections”, says Julia Shimbo, scientific coordinator at MapBiomas.

The data can be accessed on the MapBiomas platform: And they are also available for download:

About MapBiomas

MapBiomas is a collaborative network, formed by NGOs, universities and technology companies, that reveals the transformations of the Brazilian territory, through science, making knowledge about land use accessible, in order to seek conservation and combat changes climate. It has produced annual mapping of land cover and use since 1985, validates and prepares reports for each deforestation event detected in Brazil since January 2019 and monitors the water surface and fire scars monthly since 1985.