The event will be in-person in Brasília, featuring the launch of MapBiomas Collection 7 of Land Cover and Land Use Maps of Brazil, with updated data from 1985 to 2021
August 16, 2022 - To curb deforestation, regenerate devastated areas, restore degraded pastures, and prevent the loss of water resources. These are just some of the numerous challenges that Brazil faces in order to make sustainable use of its vast continental territory while fostering prosperity. At a time when the country commemorates 200 years of independence, it is timely to discuss the role of land use and occupation in the nation's formation - with September 7, 1822, as a milestone but not a starting point. This is the purpose of the 7th Annual MapBiomas Seminar - Challenges of Land Use in Brazil with Prosperity and Sustainability, to be held on August 26th in Brasília.
"The data, the maps are important, but they are not the end. They are a means to discuss solutions for Brazil, based on the best of science and involving different sectors of society. That's what we want at the 7th Annual MapBiomas Seminar," says Tasso Azevedo, coordinator of MapBiomas. At the event, Collection 7 of land use and land cover maps of Brazil will be launched, featuring updated data from 1985 to 2021.
The seminar will return to being in-person after two exclusively virtual editions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Open and free, it will take place at the Kubitschek Plaza hotel. To participate, simply fill out the registration form here by 08/24. Seats are limited!
7th Annual MapBiomas Seminar
Date: August 26, 2022
Time: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Location: Kubitschek Plaza (SHN, Quadra 02 BL E – Asa Norte, Brasília – DF, 70702-904)
Free registration / limited seats: registration form
About MapBiomas
MapBiomas is a collaborative network formed by NGOs, universities, and technology startups, which reveals the transformations of the Brazilian territory through science, making knowledge about land use accessible in order to pursue conservation and combat climate change. It produces an annual mapping of land cover and land use since 1985, validates and produces reports for each deforestation event detected in Brazil since January 2019, and monitors water surfaces and fire scars monthly since 1985.

Sessions and Speakers
8:00 AM - Reception and MapBiomas Exhibition
9:00 AM - Opening Panel
Tasso Azevedo – General Coordinator, MapBiomas
Izabella Teixeira – Former Minister of the Environment and Senior Fellow, Arapyaú Institute
Bráulio Dias – Former Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Professor at the University of Brasília (UnB)
José Carlos - Co-Facilitator, Brazil Climate, Forests, and Agriculture Coalition
Márcio Astrini - Executive Secretary, Climate Observatory
9:30 AM - Presentation of Collection 7 - Annual Maps of Land Cover and Land Use in Brazil 1985-2021
Tasso Azevedo - General Coordinator, MapBiomas
Marcos Rosa - Technical Coordinator, MapBiomas
10:20 AM - Coffee Break and MapBiomas Exhibition
MapBiomas Water Video
11:00 AM - Session 1: The Effects of Transformations in Regions Undergoing Intensive Land Use Changes in Brazil
Laerte Ferreira, professor at the Federal University of Goiás and Coordinator of the Pasture Mapping Team and the Soils Working Group at MapBiomas, will present an overview of the Brazilian regions experiencing the most significant changes in land cover and land use over the last three decades, along with the main observed effects. Following this, Ana Patte (ANMIGA), André Nassar (ABIOVE), and Mercedes Bustamante (UNB) will offer their insights and perspectives on these transformations from the standpoint of traditional populations, agribusiness, and biodiversity conservation.
Moderator: Prof. Laerte Ferreira - Federal University of Goiás (UFG)
Ana Patte National Articulation of Indigenous Women Warriors of Ancestrality (ANMIGA)
André Nassar - Brazilian Association of Vegetable Oil Industries (ABIOVE)
Mercedes Bustamantes - University of Brasília (UnB)
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM - Lunch
2:00 PM - Session 2: Land Use Challenges in Times of Climate Change Confrontation
Ane Alencar, Director of Science at IPAM and Coordinator of Cerrado Mapping and the Fire Working Group at MapBiomas, highlights in Collection 7 data the main aspects that connect the dynamics of land occupation and land use in Brazil. à mitigação e a adaptação às mudanças climáticas. Em seguida, os convidados Jean Ometto (INPE), Isabel Drigo (Imaflora), Leonardo Fleck (Santander) e Carlos Nobre (Scientific Panel for the Amazon) apresentam reflexões sobre como as transformações no uso da terra afetam as emissões de gases de efeito estufa, os impactos das mudanças climáticas e a implementação dos compromissos e metas do Brasil para o Acordo de Paris.
Moderator: Ane Alencar – IPAM
Jean Ometto – INPE
Isabel Drigo – Imaflora
Leonardo Fleck – Banco Santander
Carlos Nobre – Scientific Panel for the Amazon
3:30 PM - Coffee Break and MapBiomas Exhibition
MapBiomas Urban Video
4:00 PM - Session 3: Land Use Challenges in Brazil with Prosperity and Sustainability
Julia Shimbo, Scientific Coordinator of MapBiomas, presents a survey on the main land use challenges in Brazil that can be evaluated in Collection 7 of MapBiomas. Following this, Bernardo Rudolf (Agrosatélite), Ermínia Maricato (USP), Ricardo Rodrigues (ESALQ), and Thiago Fontenelle (ANA) offer reflections on the challenges to expand agriculture without increasing land area, plan urban expansion safely and sustainably, restore Brazilian biomes, and manage and conserve water resources in a country of continental dimensions.
Moderator: Julia Shimbo - Scientific Coordinator, MapBiomas
Bernardo Rudolf – Agrosatélite
Ermínia Maricato - University of São Paulo (USP)
Ricardo Rodrigues - Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (ESALQ)
Thiago Fontenelle - National Water Agency (ANA)
5:30 PM - Closing