High-resolution satellite images of the Javari Valley are available for anyone to scour for clues.

June 11, 2022 - The MapBiomas team has put together a tool so that anyone anywhere in the world with internet access can help in the search for indigenous rights activist Bruno Pereira and British journalist Dom Phillips. The idea is to form a collective effort to scour satellite images of the Javari Valley region in the Amazonas, where the two went missing on June 5th.
The high-resolution imagery from Skysat, Planet, and Capella satellites has been generously provided by Capella Satellites and Planet/SCCON. Organized by the MapBiomas team on the Google Earth Engine platform, it can be accessed here through your computer or mobile browser. No knowledge of georeferencing programs is necessary to use the application. If you come across anything of interest, please follow the instructions on the map and email them to contato@mapabiomas.org (with the subject line "Search for Bruno and Dom"). The information will be compiled and forwarded to the investigative agencies handling the case.
The processing of ultra-high-resolution images is being carried out with the tool already live and available to everyone. The interactive map is being constantly updated with new images. Among those that will be uploaded in the next few hours is the material captured on Thursday (10th) by the radar from Capella Space, which can see through clouds. In addition to Capella, Planet and SCCON have also provided images.