Companies win an exclusive category in the fourth edition as a way to encourage private sector participation in combating climate change 

The registrations for the 6th edition of the MapBiomas Award, held in partnership with Instituto Ciência Hoje, were opened this Wednesday, November 10th. This year, in addition to the General, Youth (aimed at primary authors under 30 years old and non-graduates), and Public Policy Applications Highlight categories, a Business Applications Highlight category is launched. In total, there are R$ 60,000 in prizes and the promotion of winners' work through videos and social networks.   

The aim of the Award is to recognize and stimulate works that develop solutions and enhance knowledge production and applications in public policies and the private sector using data from an initiative, module, or product of MapBiomas. In other words, entries can include works that use data or mention MapBiomas Brasil, MapBiomas Amazônia, MapBiomas Chaco, MapBiomas Bosque Atlantico, MapBiomas Pampa Sul-Americano, MapBiomas Indonésia, MapBiomas Alerta, MapBiomas Árida, or the GeoCovid MapBiomas portal.

The prize is open to studies, articles, monographs, dissertations, theses either individual or co-authored, from technical, undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels from private companies or NGOs, as well as public managers. They must be either unpublished or published from 2020 onwards and must use data or cite any initiative from MapBiomas. For example, they may describe an application of MapBiomas data in public policies or projects and activities developed by civil society or companies.

>> Learn all about the MapBiomas Award

Registrations are free and can be done through the website from November 10, 2021, to March 20, 2022. The submissions will be evaluated by a committee composed of five specialists and representatives of the partner organizations of this call, who will assess criteria such as theoretical-methodological consistency, relevance, originality, innovation, and the potential for technical-scientific, socioeconomic, environmental, and public policy impact. The results and the award ceremony will be announced in May 2022.

For Julia Shimbo, scientific coordinator of MapBiomas, the increase in the number of registrations year after year since the award was launched in 2018 reflects the growing use of data from MapBiomas initiatives, which, like its methods and maps, are freely accessible, public, and free. 'This open science allows the number of applications, works, and scientific articles using MapBiomas data to increase every year,' explains Julia. 'Today, there are more than 500 scientific publications using MapBiomas data. This is one of the motivations for the MapBiomas network to continue advancing its work,' she emphasizes.

Learn how the launch webinar of the Award went: